I was on my way to go work on the Ancestral Knowledge office/museum and along the way decided to stop at the national arboretum to spend a few hours walking around, for no other reason than to get out of my head and briefly enjoy the wonderful day. If you haven’t been to an arboretum, they are great places to find and identify natural resources and the national arboretum is special in that it hosts plants that aren’t found in the region, for instance long leaf pine needles. It is also a great place to learn how to identify, learn, and journal all sorts of trees and plants that grow all around the world and you can take note of the similarities of those that are native to our region and their similar uses.
As I was walking around, I noticed this Magnolia growing along the road side. It was about 15’ tall and an interesting characteristic grabbed my attention, it had one single low growing branch that was extending about 15 feet from the trunk, seemingly hovering 12” above the ground. This branch made me peruse my memory banks about all the Magnolias I have ever met and I can’t recall any having a branch like this one.
As I walked away thinking about that single branch, I looked back and took note that it was pointing directly south, this got the gears in my mind turning and thinking about aidless navigation and the 8 directions. It was at that moment when I noticed another Magnolia tree a couple hundred yards away, up on a hillside. It was MASSIVE, as wide as it was tall. I was awestruck by its distant profile, drawn to it like a moth to the moon, it was calling for a visit.
The sun was bright and warming the left side of my back and the tree was getting bigger and bigger with every step as I slowly approached this incredibly massive being. On my slow approach I began to orbit its circumference, taking in its size and presence as a whole. As I approached even closer, I started to think about that long branch from a minute ago. My thoughts were along the lines of, “HOLY SHIT, these branches must be 50 feet long… “

Soon I was very close and I could begin to see into its ground level canopy. It was dark and dappled with bright light that broke through, the contrasts were blinding. As my eyes adjusted on my approach, I was able to see deeper into its umbrella and began to notice it was surrounded by dozens if not hundreds of other smaller Magnolias, not the long hovering lateral system of branches that I had imagined. The smaller magnolias ranged from 2’ to 16” diameters.
I entered its canopy and as I was visiting the surrounding trees, to my surprise, I found that each one was actually a sprout from the central tree’s branches. The tree was cloning itself! Spreading across the land, more so toward the south. As the branches extended from the main trunk, they touched the ground and disappeared under the leaf litter, then several feet away from that was the outer ring of newer trees. I can’t explain all my thoughts about what I was observing, as this would turn into a short book about magnolias and the philosophy of life and primitive skills. I noticed that the trees that surrounded the mother tree were well established, the larger ones being 10 times the diameter of its original branch connection with smaller shoots along the way. The main branches looked like umbilical cords that were slowly disconnecting from the main tree.

As I was hanging out, I felt like I became invisible to all the dozens of people that were walking by. In the 20 minutes I spent under that tree, nobody attempted to enter this amazing space under its canopy, not even any of the many young kids that passed by.
The experience I was having opened the floodgates of thoughts and self-doubts; What the hell was I doing with my life? Why did I take on this project trying to create an office/museum for Ancestral Knowledge and sacrifice my free time to do so? Why am I stressing out trying employ others and provide opportunity for their growth? Why am I trying to convince myself that everyone teaching in this “back to the earth” movement is here with the same purpose as I am? Am i the only one around here that is not status or money driven by something trendy & cool? Why do I continue to try to navigate the judgment, drama, division, and gossip found entrenched in the “earth skills” movement in the search for community? Then, the most important thought, why have I been trying to convince myself that everyone in this movement is here for the same reason, to protect and provide for the next 7 generations?
Then the negative thinking was overcome by thankfulness, my thoughts wandered back to all my mentors and teachers that shaped my reality; Tom Brown Jr, Charles Worsham, Errett Callahan, Jon Young, Ed Wentzler, Joe Lau, Eddie Starnater. I began to think about how honorable, incredibly humble, and generous they were in their teaching. They always gave credit to their teachers and always acknowledged the origin of the skills they taught and they claimed no ownership of them. Also, they didn’t see themselves as important or as leaders, only as messengers or sign posts. They were gentle in their approach and generous with their knowledge. They didn’t believe they were any more special than me, they listened to what I had to say, they treated me as an equal, recognizing that I was in a different stage of development, somewhere they had once been themselves. I also realized that they held back the deeper more profound lessons until I broke through their defenses with my passion to learn. They had walls that were built by those seeking wisdom and knowledge that didn’t appreciate them or tried to discredit them. I began to realize this amazing tree was showing me a road map of lineage and how ancient wisdom and knowledge is passed on, even in this modern world.
This experience validated my purpose and where I fit into the overall mission, and where I was along my journey toward the world of the unseen and eternal. This tree brought forth a powerful memory from a very important year of my life; I was having breakfast one morning during the second year of the Coyote Tracks summer camps, sitting across the table from me was Tom. While we were eating, I noticed that Tom stopped eating and was staring past me with a mystical, wide-angle gaze with his piercing deep blue eyes and he said, “Bill, look around, do you see all of this? This is all because of one person, this is all possible because of one person, this wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for one person, it only takes one person to change everything” I always thought he was just referring to his mentor, a Lipan Apache named Stalking Wolf but i realized, he was talking about someone who hasn’t yet been brought back to the Earth and how they could be responsible for tipping the balance. It took me years to understand what he meant, and this tree took his statement to a whole other level.
This Magnolia revealed to me, where that breakfast conversation has led me and so many others, the expansive sharing of Grandfather’s teachings, the road map for humans path back to a deep connection with the Earth. It showed me how we learn from our mentors, form these powerful bonds, how at first we need them constantly in our lives, but over time distance gets between us, we become grounded, set our own roots and begin to grow on our own, and all along the way learning more as we teach and teaching more as we learn. We then eventually slowly disconnect from our mentors in the physical. It showed me that one day our mentors will be gone, no longer in the physical world but the teachings will live on, always connected in an unseen and eternal way and the lineage will continue beyond us.
It never ceases to amaze me that no matter where you are in this world, when you let go of your ego and enter nature as an open book, we are led to the lessons and experiences that we need to guide us along our path.
It gives me great comfort knowing that, in this time of uncertainty, one thing remains pure, real, and powerful… our connection to each other and our connection to the Earth.
Post submitted by Bill Kaczor, co-founder and executive director of Ancestral Knowledge