Registration Terms and Conditions
- Each participant must submit a registration form.
- Each participant must complete the appropriate forms and waivers to participate in our programs.
- Your space in the program/workshop is reserved when a registration form and deposit or full payment is received for each participant.
- Each registered participant must send full payment or a nonrefundable deposit in the amount of: *$50 per participant for MAPS Meet and each week of Day Camps; **$100 deposit per participant for each week long (5 days or more) Adult Workshop, Overnight Summer Camp, and each Homeschool session; ***$25 deposit for day programs including; Adult, Youth, or family day programs. *****$20 Tools, equipment, or lodging deposit where appropriate. The nonrefundable deposit is included in full payment.
- The deposit or full registration must be received within 10 days of registering to hold your space. If deposits are not received your registration will be canceled without notice and the space(s) will be made available.
- Program discounts and codes can only be applied when the full registration fee is paid upon registering. Discounts do not apply on any of our installment plans or when financial aid is provided.
General Refunds and Cancellation Policies
- The non-refundable deposit, any discounts applied to multiple registrations, and any fees associated with the transaction will be subtracted from all cancellation or transfer refunds.
- Requests to cancel/refund a registration for a program/event must be submitted via email to: ak[at]ancestralknowledge[dot]org Please include the Program dates and the name of the participant(s) you are requesting a refund for.
- Refund requests must be received with no less than 10 business days (weekdays) prior to the program/event start date. No refunds will be given after that time.
- Switching Camp Weeks; if you register for a camp there is a $25 fee to switch to a cancel that weeks camp and switch to a different camp
- Person to person transfers for the same event or program are permitted, there is a $25 fee for transfers.
- Deposit transfers are not permitted from one program to another program.
- If Ancestral Knowledge cancels or postpones a program, we generally have a “rain date” listed in advance. If we are unable host on the rain date you will be refunded in full. Rain date cancellations will be refunded all but 50% of the NRD.
Homeschool Late Registration/Prorating Policies
If the program has already started and you would like to submit a late registration:
- Contact us before attending. We do not accept on site Drop-in registrations.
- Discounts don’t apply on late registrations.
- The fee for a drop-in or trial day, prorating request, or late registration is $65 per day per participant. To figure out your registration fee: $65 x # of participants x # of days attending the program = registration fee.
- If you become ill, have scheduled vacation/travel plans, or chose to observe a federal holiday that our schedule coincides with, and you plan on missing those scheduled program days, we do not prorate unless 5 or more days will be missed. Then prorating fees will apply.
- We do not prorate on any payment plans, all fees must be paid in full.
Homeschool Program Policies and Procedures:
Inclement Weather delays or cancellations
- To ensure the safety of our participants, during severe weather we take into consideration traffic, school closings, and current weather conditions to decide if we need to have a delayed start, early pick up, or reschedule a meeting.
- Please check you email for notifications from us about delayed starts, early pick ups, or cancellations. You will be notified by 8:30AM the morning of the scheduled meeting day. If you need to know earlier please contact your instructor or the program coordinator.
- Our general policy is based off of the public school in the county that a program is operating; Schools have a 1 hour delay = AK program runs on time, Schools have a 2 hour delay = AK program starts 1 hour late, Schools Canceled= AK program is canceled
Homeschool Attendance/Makeup Days
We encourage all students to arrive on time and participate each week.
- Due to severe illness or other unforeseen circumstances that cause a participant to miss 5 or more meetings during a semester, AK will consider partial refunds. This will be determined on a case by case basis.
- We do not prorate for planned travel or vacations.
- If your child misses a scheduled meeting or scheduled make up day we do not give credits or refunds for those days.
- If Ancestral Knowledge has to cancel a scheduled meeting due to snow or any other unforeseen circumstance, our policy is as follows;
- Make up days will be scheduled.
- If multiple makeup days are needed we may meet on multiple days or on a different days of the week during the current session.
- We only allow make up days for meetings we have canceled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
- We do not give credit or refunds if you can’t make or missed a makeup day.
Keeping everyone healthy
Ancestral Knowledge reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. We strive to meet the needs of all participants, building a healthy working, learning and creative environment for all involved, both staff and client. Very rarely, and almost never, this requires the dismissal of a youth or adult participant. If this occurs prior to the program we evaluate the circumstance. There will be no refunds if dismissal occurs during the program. We take the responsibility for the health of every team member seriously and set our standards high, addressing challenges as it affects the emotional and physical well being of the group and program team, other paying clients continuing to derive value from the program and the emotional well being of our staff. Grounds for evaluation and possibly dismissal includes but is not limited to: dangerous activities, emotional distress beyond the scope of our instructors, racist, sexist and otherwise bigoted behavior, accusatory and aggressive unsolicited advise, expectations that participants or staff conform to another person’s aggressively specific moral values and overwhelming, unspoken or indirect verbal, written or physically aggressive behavior. This is at the discretion of the instructor staff. We definitely appreciate well thought out and well versed feedback, both positive and negative, about how we can better meet each others needs in a functional way. We do not support censorship by any means.
By submitting your registration form and completing payment for a program you are acknowledging that you have read and fully understand and agree with our Terms and Conditions. Our Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notification.